Creating a validator
Try Notion
Creating a validator
KIRA is a governance permissioned blockchain and to create a validator, the address should be allowed to create validator. The permission for creating a validator is 2 (โ€PermClaimValidatorโ€).
The roles and permissions section can be found on Roles & Permissions section.
When creating a validator, validator need to broadcast MsgClaimValidator transaction with moniker and consensus pubkey.
At the time of validator creation, identity record for the moniker value is created on governance module.
Commands Examples
Claim Validator
# CLI sekaid tx claim-validator-seat --from $ADDRESS --moniker="validator" -- --keyring-backend=test --home=$HOME/.sekaid --chain-id=testing --fees=100ukex --yes # KM claimValidatorSeat $ADDRESS $MONIKER $TIMEOUT_SECONDS