Execution Fees
Try Notion
Execution Fees
In KIRA every transaction type is associated with a custom fee amount defined in ukex. In order to submit given transaction type on-chain a set transaction fee must be paid. This is an essential mechanism preventing transaction spam, without transaction fees users could potentially transmit unlimited number of transactions spamming the chain mempool and thus cause the network halt or otherwise make it impossible for non-spam transactions to be filtered out and executed.
Main difference between KIRA and other general purpose Layer 1 networks is that there exist no concept of GAS fees (fees paid per instruction of the code being executed or stored on-chain) instead a fixed fee is used per each transaction type, making value of transaction fees simple and predictable. Execution fees are defined though governance proposals and must be set within safety ranges of MinTxFee and MaxTxFee. The minimum transaction fee as defined by the Network Properties protects the network from transaction spam while the max transaction fee protects user and custodians from sending transactions with unexpected fee amounts causing loss or funds.
All transaction types to which execution fees can be applied can be found here. The transaction type names are lowercase and individual words are separated with - symbol, for example: submit-proposal, claim-validator, ...
Execution Fee Properties
Type of the transaction that can be submitted on-chain
Fee in ukex that must be paid in order to submit transaction on-chain
Fee in ukex that must be pain in case where transaction fails during execution process
Execution timeout after which transaction fails (to prevent potential infinite loop from halting the node
Default values that the function in question will consume as input parameters before execution
NOTE: To change execution fee as sudo a permission PermChangeTxFee (7) is required.
Commands Examples
Updating Execution Fees
# Updating Execution fees via proposal # CLI # TBD # KM # TBD # Updating Execution fees as sudo # CLI sekaid tx customgov set-execution-fee --execution_fee="$EXECUTION_FEE" --failure_fee="$FAILURE_FEE" --transaction_type="$TX_TYPE" --timeout="$TX_TIMEOUT" \ --from "$ACCOUNT" --chain-id=$NETWORK_NAME --keyring-backend=test --fees=100ukex --yes --log_format=json --broadcast-mode=async --output=json | jq # KM # e.g: setExecutionFee <account> <tx-type> <execution-fee> <failure-fee> <tx-timeout> setExecutionFee $ACCOUNT $TX_TYPE 100 200 60
Query Execution Fees
# CLI sekaid query customgov execution-fee "$TRANSACTION_TYPE" --output=json --home=$SEKAID_HOME # KM showExecutionFee "$TRANSACTION_TYPE"