View of Proposals
Try Notion
Subcommand Path
Proposes a software upgrade to the Kira Network
Proposes to cancel a previously proposed software upgrade
Proposes to upsert a new token alias in the network
Proposes to upsert new token rates for a specific token pair
Proposes to change the whitelisted and blacklisted tokens on the network
Proposes to unjail a validator that has been jailed
Proposes to reset the ranking of all validators
Proposes to slash a validator for malicious behavior
Proposes to update the spending pool with new funds
Proposes to distribute funds from the spending pool to a specific address
Proposes to withdraw funds from the spending pool
Proposes to upsert a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for the network
Proposes to remove the UBI from the network
Proposes to reset the ranking of all councilors
Proposes to jail councilors for violating the network's rules
Proposes to whitelist an account's permission
Proposes to blacklist an account's permission
Proposes to remove a whitelisted permission from an account
Proposes to remove a blacklisted permission from an account
Proposes to assign a role to a specific account
Proposes to unassign a role from a specific account
Proposes to create a new role with specific permissions
Proposes to remove a role from the network
Proposes to blacklist a role's permission
Proposes to remove a whitelisted permission from a role
Proposes to whitelist a role's permission
Proposes to remove a blacklisted permission from a role
Proposes to set a specific network property
Proposes to upsert data to the network's data registry
Proposes to set poor network messages
Proposes to set the voting_end_time of specific proposal types
Proposes to create a new basket
Proposes to edit an existing basket
Proposes to withdraw surplus funds from a basket
Proposes to send a donation to a specific address
Proposes to update a collective account
Proposes to remove a collective account
Proposes to join a Dapp
Proposes to transition a Dapp to a new state
Proposes to upsert a new Dapp in the network