Delegators are KIRA token holders who want to participate in network security by delegating assets as collateral to one or more consensus nodes' staking pools in exchange for a share of their revenue. Because delegators share revenue and responsibility with their chosen consensus nodes, they should carefully consider which nodes to delegate to and monitor their stakes regularly. Consensus nodes can also be delegators, but they are not required to. Staked assets are directly affected by the conduct of the elected nodes, so it is important for delegators to exercise diligence and diversification in their choices.
Native liquid staking
Consensus nodes on the Kira Network have staking pools that are designed equivalently to regular AMM liquidity pools like Uniswap, in order to achieve native liquid staking. When a certain number of tokens <denom> are deposited in the staking pool of a consensus node V<ID>, an equal number of derivative tokens V<ID>/<denom> are issued in return (similar to AMM LP tokens). These derivative tokens V<ID>/<denom> can be freely moved and traded on and off-chain, while the underlying <denom> tokens remain staked. If V1 is slashed for double signing, the staked <denom> tokens can either be moved to the treasury, a governance spending pool or destroyed, while the derivative tokens V<ID>/<denom> representing them would lose their 1-to-1 peg (similar to impermanent loss in AMM).
E.g.: If 50% of XYZ tokens staked with block proposer V1 get slashed, unstaking 2 V1/XYZ from V1's pool would only return 1 XYZ.
Staking pools & consensus nodes status
In KIRA's network, each consensus node operates its own staking pool where delegators can stake their assets. The staking pool has a unique ID and is linked to the consensus node's address. The consensus node has control over the staking pool's status and can enable or disable it, as well as set the commission rate on block rewards. In addition, a consensus node can be active, inactive, paused, or jailed depending on its performance, behavior or choice. While it is important to understand that the status of the staking pool is independent of the status of the consensus node, if a consensus node's status is inactive, paused, or jailed , and/or if its staking pool is disabled, delegators are not able to delegate any additional tokens to that node’s staking pool. They will only be able to undelegate their existing stake.
For more information regarding consensus nodes status and ranking system please refer to the
Consensus nodes ranks & statuses module.
For more information regarding consensus nodes staking pool status please refer to the
Consensus nodes & staking pools section.
Delegating and associated parameters
KIRA allows users to delegate and pay execution fees with any token that has been whitelisted by governance. To ensure proper network functionality and security, specific management rules and limitations are defined and curated for each foreign token, such as exchange rates and staking pool rewards allowance. These rules are monitored by the
The token rates registrar module, which sets bounds on the staking mechanism through the use of three parameters:
stake_cap : Sets the maximum share (%) of staking reward a given whitelisted staking token will be entitled per staking pool to prevent a malicious user from diluting the pool with any particular token in order to claim all the rewards. Setting specific shares also simplifies reward distribution by sidestepping the need to track how much eligible staking tokens are worth in terms of USD or KEX.
stake_min: Sets the minimum delegation and undelegation amount per transaction for a particular token. This is designed to prevent dust spam attacks, where an attacker might attempt to disrupt block production by continuously staking or withdrawing trivial amounts of tokens with numerous accounts. Importantly, this parameter also ensures that a user cannot undelegate an amount that would leave behind a residual stake less than this minimum. Such a residual would be locked and become non-withdrawable. Detailed considerations related to dust-spam can be found in the
Fees and staking rewards distribution section.
fee_rate : Sets the conversation rate for foreign tokens in terms of KEX to use them as execution fees. fee_rate is also used to determine if the stake_min value is respected in case of delegation or if min_delegation_pushout is reached when a staking pool reaches its maximum delegators capacity.
For more information regarding delegators staking rewards distribution please refer to this section of the
Fees and staking rewards distribution module.
Staking pool registration rewards eligibility
As explained earlier, owning some staking pool's derivatives V<ID>/<denom> is equivalent to having some token <denom> staked with consensus node V<ID>. However, because the Cosmos SDK does not provide a hook on token transfers (yet?) and derivatives can be traded freely inside or outside the KIRA network, it is impossible to track staking pool delegators' shares in real time. To solve this problem, KIRA has implemented a registration mechanism where "offshore" delegators, such as users or smart contracts that acquired KIRA's native staking derivative tokens on the open market, can register those derivatives to the corresponding staking pool to earn the corresponding rewards. Additionally, each staking pool performs a balance check on its current delegators whenever it receives rewards (whenever the consensus nodes produces a block) and will automatically deregister any registered delegators that do not hold more than the minimum stake_min of derivative tokens.
Rewards claiming & auto-compounding
Delegators can enable or disable the auto compounding mode for any token eligible for staking (as determined by the Token Rates Registrar). When enabled, rewards are automatically added to the delegator's stake. However, the corresponding staking derivatives are not sent to the delegator's address, as this would be too much of an overhead for the module to handle. Instead, they are simply accumulated in the staking pool and become claimable in the same way as standard rewards. In other words, when a user disables auto compounding, it will have to claim its rewards manually; when it is enabled, it will have to claim its newly issued staking derivatives manually.
Managing Staking Rewards
Delegators have the flexibility to decide how they manage rewards earned from staking. They can opt for automatic reinvestment through the auto-compounding feature or claim them manually. This decision can be made for any token eligible for staking, as determined by the Token Rates Registrar.
Auto-compounding operates based on a consistent interval set across the network by the autocompound_interval_num_blocks network property. The exact block at which a user's rewards get compounded depends on when they activate this feature. For example, with a network interval set at 10,000 blocks, a delegator enabling auto-compounding at block 3 will see their rewards compounded at blocks 10003, 20003 and so on. This property is set to 17280 blocks at genesis.
Each delegator has their unique auto-compounding schedule, distributing the computational demands and preventing the network from being overwhelmed by simultaneous compounding events. Configurations for this feature are maintained per user. Delegators can enable this feature for all tokens or for particular ones.
Rewards Claiming
With auto-compounding activated, rewards are automatically reinvested, enhancing the delegator's stake. However, the staking derivatives, representing these newly compounded rewards, aren't instantly transferred to the delegator's address to reduce overhead. They accumulate in the staking pool and must be claimed manually. Conversely, if a delegator decides not to use auto-compounding, they will have to manually claim all the rewards they accrue. Hence, in both scenarios, the delegator must manually intervene to include their rewards or rewards’ derivatives into their active balance.
Delegators push out
KIRA has a feature that protects against dust spam attacks by limiting the maximum number of delegators for each individual staking pool with a network property called max_delegators (which is set to 100 by default). If this maximum number of delegators is reached, new delegators will need to provide a higher stake than the smallest delegator in the pool in order to push them out. To prevent large stakeholders from easily pushing out smaller delegators from good consensus nodes, the minimum required stake to push out a delegator is set by the min_delegation_pushout property (which is a multiplier of the smallest stake value, 10 by default). This network property can be adjusted by KIRA's governance and increased as the network grows. When a delegator is pushed out, they automatically receive any outstanding rewards they are owed.
Undelegating & cooling period
A delegator can undelegate their stake at anytime to get back its original tokens. Any undelegation will trigger a fixed cooling period during which the stake remain locked and do not yield any reward. Once the cooling period expires, staked tokens <denom> can be claimed by providing the respective pool’s derivative V<ID>/<denom> which are then burned. The cooling period is the same for all staking tokens and defined by the governance through the following unstaking_period network property (1 month by default).
CLI functions description
delegate - Delegate to a pool.
undelegate - Start undelegation from a pool.
claim-rewards - Claim rewards from a pool.
claim-undelegation - Claim matured undelegation.
set-compound-info - Set auto compounding mode.
register-delegator - Register as a pool delegator when acquiring pool derivatives externally.
undelegations - Query all the undelegation records.
staking-pool-delegators - Query staking pool delegators.
compound-info - Query compound information of a delegator.
outstanding-rewards - Query outstanding rewards for a delegator.
pools - Query all existing staking pools and return their respective parameters (commission …) and current metrics (total staked tokens, total accumulated rewards, …)
query-delegations - Query all delegations and rewards by a delegator address and specific pool id / consensus node’s address
Syntax & examples
Each CLI command and proposal process in KIRA requires specific permissions. These permissions must be added to the account's whitelist or obtained as sudo permissions for direct changes. Refer to the
Roles & Permissions documentation for more details. $SIGNER represents the transaction signer's account name or address. For instructions on setting common flags as environment variables, such as $FLAGS_TX and $FLAGS_QR, see the
CLI flags configuration section
Delegatating / Undelegating
delegate locks <denom> token to a specific staking pool using the consensus node’s address and immediately return back the corresponding pool’s derivative V<ID>/<denom> (<ID> beeing the pool’s id). The total amount to be delegated cannot be lower than stake_min as defined by
The token rates registrar or the transaction will fail. Consensus node’s address can be obtain using the validator/validators queries. Note that it is only possible to delegate to an active consensus node.
sekaid tx multistaking delegate \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
# Example
sekaid tx multistaking delegate \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
kiravaloper1h3f7w7ekjnpfcyjhktq06n4rl8yued9a0ap468 20000ukex
Undelegating burns corresponding V<ID>/<denom> derivatives and triggers all outstanding rewards/compounds claims.
Corresponding undelegated <denom> tokens are assigned with an undelegation ID which becomes claimable at the end of the unstaking_period (default : 1 month). The minimum amount to be undelegated cannot be lower than stake_min as defined by
The token rates registrar and the remaining amount of <denom> delegated should also NOT be smaller then stake_min otherwise the transaction will fail.
sekaid tx multistaking undelegate \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
Set compounding mode
Delegators can enable/disable auto compounding for one or all tokens using set-compound-info.
sekaid tx multistaking set-compound-info \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
# Example (setting auto compound only for ukex)
sekaid tx multistaking set-compound-info \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
false ukex
Claim rewards/derivatives & undelegations
All outstanding rewards (or corresponding derivatives if compounding is enabled) for a given delegator (signer) can be claimed using claim-rewards.
sekaid tx multistaking claim-rewards \
Undelegations can be claimed using corresponding delegation ID and at the end of their respective unstaking_period.
sekaid tx multistaking claim-undelegation \
--from=$SIGNER $FLAGS_TX \
Delegator registration
Users (or smart contracts) who acquired KIRA’s native staking derivative token in the open market can register as delegators to all respective staking pool using register-delegator.
Only derivatives which respect their respective minimum staking amount requirement stake_min defined by the
The token rates registrar will be eligible for staking.
sekaid tx multistaking register-delegator \
Staking Pool Delegators
Retrieve the list of all delegators associated with a specific staking pool using the staking-pool-delegators query.
$VALIDATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the staking pool node to retrieve the delegators for.
sekaid query multistaking staking-pool-delegators $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS \
$FLAGS_QR | jq
All Staking Pool Information
Query real-time metrics and parameters of all existing staking pools.
sekaid query multistaking pools $FLAGS_QR | jq
All Pending Undelegations
Retrieve information about pending undelegations using the undelegations query. This query allows for filtering based on the delegator's address and the validator's address.
If both $DELEGATOR_ADDRESS and $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS are left as empty strings, the query will return all existing undelegations. To specify an empty string as an argument in the command line, use "".
$DELEGATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the delegator. If provided, the query will return undelegations related to this delegator. If left as an empty string, it won't filter based on the delegator's address.
$VALIDATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the validator. If provided, the query will return undelegations related to this validator. If left as an empty string, it won't filter based on the validator's address.
sekaid query multistaking undelegations $DELEGATOR_ADDRESS $VALIDATOR_ADDRESS \
$FLAGS_QR | jq
Compounding Information
Retrieve compounding information for a specific delegator using the compound-info query.
$DELEGATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the delegator whose compounding information you wish to retrieve.
sekaid query multistaking compound-info $DELEGATOR_ADDRESS \
$FLAGS_QR | jq
Outstanding Rewards
Retrieve all outstanding rewards for a specific delegator using the outstanding-rewards query.
$DELEGATOR_ADDRESS: The address of the delegator whose outstanding rewards you wish to retrieve.
sekaid query multistaking outstanding-rewards $DELEGATOR_ADDRESS \
$FLAGS_QR | jq